Integration Announcement: Telos x SubQuery

February 5, 2024
min read

We are excited to announce the integration of SubQuery, a decentralized data infrastructure network, into the Telos ecosystem. This strategic move marks another step forward in our commitment to providing robust and scalable solutions for developers building on the Telos blockchain.

Key Features of SubQuery Integration

Decentralized Data Indexing: SubQuery offers three key indexing products spanning support for over 120+ chains.

  1. An open-source SDK, which includes instructions on how any Indexer should traverse the blockchain, what data to collect, and how it should be shown to users. 
  2. A Managed Service, which provides enterprise-level hosting (99.9% uptime) for SubQuery indexer projects
  3. A decentralized SubQuery Network, the SubQuery Network indexes and services data to the global community in an incentivized and verifiable way. The SubQuery Network allows dApp developers to completely decentralize their infrastructure stack.

RPC Services: Soon to be added to the decentralized SubQuery Network, developers will be able to leverage performant RPC services for querying indexed data. This eliminates the need to manage independent infrastructure, thereby streamlining development processes. 

Unique Selling Points

Faster Data Retrieval: SubQuery stands out with its speed in data retrieval, significantly enhancing the user experience for blockchain applications.

Comprehensive documentation: SubQuery boasts step-by-step documentation as well as a Telos example project to make setting up an indexer on Telos hassle-free. 

Vast Network of Decentralized Indexers and RPC Providers: SubQuery's infrastructure is bolstered by thousands of decentralized indexers and RPC providers, guaranteeing unparalleled availability and redundancy.

Load Balanced Network: This feature optimally distributes data requests, minimizing latency and maximizing performance.

Significance to Telos' Developer Community

Simplified Data Layer Management: SubQuery streamlines the data layer of blockchain applications, allowing developers to focus more on innovation rather than infrastructure management.

Global Accessibility: The decentralized nature of SubQuery ensures data availability to a wide range of users, fostering the development of globally accessible applications.

Resource Efficiency: This integration is poised to save valuable time and resources, channelling them toward more creative development endeavours.

Advancing with SubQuery

Integrating SubQuery into Telos Network is both a technological enhancement and an alignment with the ethos of decentralization that drives us as a network. The TCD continues to provide efficient, developer-friendly, and innovative blockchain solutions.

We invite our developer community to explore the potential of SubQuery within the Telos ecosystem. 

SubQuery’s Support for Telos 

About SubQuery

SubQuery Network is innovating web3 infrastructure with tools that empower builders to decentralize the future. Our fast, flexible, and open data indexer supercharges dApps on over 120 networks, enabling a user-focused web3 world. Soon, our Data Node will provide breakthroughs in the RPC industry, and deliver decentralization without compromise. We pioneer the web3 revolution for visionaries and forward-thinkers. We’re not just a company - we’re a movement driving an inclusive and decentralized web3 era.

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About The Telos Foundation
Telos is a growing network of networks (Layer 0) enabling Zero Knowledge technology for ultimate scalability and privacy to support all industries and applications. The expanding Telos ecosystem includes over 1.2 million accounts, hundreds of partners, and numerous dApps. Launched in 2018 Telos is known for its impeccable five-year record of zero downtime and is home to the worlds fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine, the Telos EVM. Telos is positioned to lead enterprise adoption into the world of borderless Web3 technology and decentralized solutions.