Your Guide to Private Crypto Transactions: Telos Integrates with Houdini Swap

May 22, 2024
min read

We’re excited to announce our integration with Houdini Swap. With Houdini Swap, you can swap, send, or bridge cryptocurrencies privately. Their innovative privacy protocol breaks the link between sender and receiver in a safe, compliant, and cost-effective manner.

What Makes Houdini Swap Different?

  • Compliant, private transactions
  • Non-custodial
  • 24/7 support
  • Cross-chain
  • Low-cost
  • Fast settlement times
  • Supports 30+ chains
  • Supports 100+ tokens
  • Processed over $443M+ in volume
  • $5 million annual revenue
  • 25% of supply staked
  • Revenue backed APY

Privacy-First Approach - How it Works

How does Houdini Swap ensure privacy? Houdini Swap achieves transactional anonymity by using randomized Layer 1 chains or XMR as a privacy route between exchanges. Their protocol uses a network of compliant, non-custodial exchanges to ensure that the user will receive the best rate for their transaction.

Use Cases

Examples of what Houdini Swap can be used for could be:

  • Payroll
  • Telegram bots
  • Wallet integrations
  • B2B payments
  • Airdrop farming

How to Get Started

Step 1 - Get Your Order Quote

Select Crypto Pair: Pick the two tokens you want to Swap, Send, or Bridge.

Enter Amount: Specify the crypto amount to transfer. Choose Fixed for a specific amount to be received. Choose Variable for the best market rates.

Price Optimized: Houdini Swap finds the lowest rates.

No Wallet Connect: For security, you don’t need to connect your wallet.

Step 2 - Send Your Funds to Start

Receiving Wallet Address: Input the address of the receiving wallet. Ensure it's on the same blockchain as the receiving currency.

Initiate Order: Send the specified crypto amount to the Houdini Swap address.

Step 3 - Transaction Completion

Transaction Processing: Private transactions take 20-40 minutes on average. Semi-private transactions take about 3 minutes.

Track Progress: Follow your transaction's progress once initiated.

Click here to learn more about how to get started.  


This integration adds significant value to the Telos ecosystem.

Learn more on their website:

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The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. Always conduct your own research and consult with a professional before making any financial decisions. Cryptocurrency investments along with other asset classes can be volatile and can result in potential losses. Always use caution, practice due diligence, and never invest capital you cannot afford to lose. Remember to always maintain the security of your accounts, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be wary of phishing attempts. Stay safe and invest responsibly.

About The Telos Foundation
Telos is a growing network of networks (Layer 0) enabling Zero Knowledge technology for ultimate scalability and privacy to support all industries and applications. The expanding Telos ecosystem includes over 1.2 million accounts, hundreds of partners, and numerous dApps. Launched in 2018 Telos is known for its impeccable five-year record of zero downtime and is home to the worlds fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine, the Telos EVM. Telos is positioned to lead enterprise adoption into the world of borderless Web3 technology and decentralized solutions.