Telos Network Announces Strategic Integration with Ramp Network: A Step Forward in Blockchain Accessibility

February 1, 2024
min read

Telos Network is excited to share the news of our strategic integration with Ramp Network. Ramp is at the forefront of bridging Web3 with the current global financial system through its innovative on- and off-ramp services. This collaboration promises to greatly improve the user experience within Telos’ ecosystem, while also broadening the global presence of both Telos and Ramp in the Web3 world.

About Ramp

Ramp, established in 2018, has been instrumental in bridging the gap between the crypto economy and the traditional financial system. Key features of Ramp include:

  • Instant integration: one simple SDK, no signature needed to get started
  • Smart KYC: utilizing Open Banking and other data to make KYC invisible
  • Seamless UX: works from within partner apps
  • Fully compliant: registered with both FINCEN (U.S.) and FCA (U.K.)
  • Multiple payment methods: accept credit/debit cards, bank transfers, Apple Pay and more
  • Global coverage: supported in 150+ countries

Ramp is trusted by hundreds of businesses including industry leaders such as Axie Infinity, Brave Browser, DeFi Kingdoms, Ledger, Loopring, Sorare, Trust Wallet and now Telos.

The Integration: Enhancing Ecosystems

This integration brings together Ramp's advanced financial technology solutions with Telos' robust blockchain infrastructure, offering:

  • Elevated Accessibility: Users in the Telos ecosystem will benefit from Ramp's seamless conversion between crypto and fiat currencies, enhancing user experience and broadening the appeal of Telos to a wider audience.
  • Streamlined Transactions: Ramp's efficient and diverse payment options will complement Telos' high-speed and reliable blockchain, ensuring swift and smooth transactions.
  • Expanded User Base: Both platforms stand to gain from the integration, with Ramp accessing Telos' growing user base and Telos benefiting from Ramp's global presence.
  • Compliance and Security: Ramp's compliance with major financial regulations aligns with Telos' commitment to security, making this a trustworthy and secure collaboration.

A Future-Focused Collaboration

"Telos is fundamentally designed for speed and scalability, and our integration with Ramp enhances this ethos by delivering a seamless fiat-to-crypto solution. This collaboration not only empowers our users with effortless and rapid transactions, but it also aligns perfectly with our vision of a frictionless blockchain experience. Through Ramp, we are opening the doors to global access, ensuring everyone can benefit from our future-ready blockchain’s low fees and lightning-fast capabilities, all within a simplified user-experience process. This integration is a significant step towards a future where the transition between crypto and fiat is not just achievable but a streamlined, everyday reality." ~Lee Erswell, CEO of the Telos Foundation


The collaboration between Telos and Ramp marks a crucial advancement in creating a more accessible and integrated blockchain environment. This partnership reflects Telos' commitment to delivering secure, scalable, and intuitive blockchain solutions, reinforcing our standing as a prominent future-ready blockchain in the Web3 realm.

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About The Telos Foundation
Telos is a growing network of networks (Layer 0) enabling Zero Knowledge technology for ultimate scalability and privacy to support all industries and applications. The expanding Telos ecosystem includes over 1.2 million accounts, hundreds of partners, and numerous dApps. Launched in 2018 Telos is known for its impeccable five-year record of zero downtime and is home to the worlds fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine, the Telos EVM. Telos is positioned to lead enterprise adoption into the world of borderless Web3 technology and decentralized solutions.